
Ranking Constituencies by the Number of Potholes
Ranking Potholes Nationwide by the Number of Reports


SpotDPothole is a pothole mapping web app that was initially developed by the NULLIFY team, consisting of Justin Baldeosingh, Tevon Thatcher, Brandon Bharath, Jeremiah Strong, and Jordan Douglas. After the conclusion of the initial application, the project was shifted to being developed by the NAV development team, consisting of Justin Baldeosingh, Brandon Bharath and Tevon Thatcher. The purpose behind the app was to create a platform for citizens of Trinidad and Tobago to share their knowledge and frustration about the current state of the nation's roadways. It is our hope that people will use this web app to promote awareness about the condition of the roads to prompt district representatives to take action.

Users that register with the application are allowed to report potholes from anywhere in the country. Anonymous users can freely browse a map of Trinidad and Tobago showing the reported potholes that plague the roads of both islands. Leaderboards are available that show which potholes have been reported the most, and which areas of the country have the most potholes. Additionally, the routing feature allows users to choose a start and destination, and the application will show the user the path containing the least potholes.

Pothole Report Information